In addition to autobiographies/biographies of musicians, athletes, and celebrities, I also like the occasional memoir of somebody who has worked in the restaurant industry; most though, have been chefs. So, when I saw this book about a Maître D’, I was interested in learning more about him.
Because of all the cruises I have been on, I am aware of what a Maître D’ does and all the ones I have encountered have been very nice and friendly. They always come to the table at dinner and introduce themselves and ask how everything was from the food to the waiters.
I enjoyed reading this book along with his career progression from a server to a Maître D’. The restaurants and people he worked with in New York City is like an all-star lineup. His stories of everything he has done and seen is remarkable. Yes, there was a lot of drug and alcohol usage from him, in addition to lots of sex. One of those sex and drug escapades was with Althea Flynt (Google her, if you don’t know she is). I recently read an autobiography of a former Editor from her ex-husband’s magazine.
Being a Maître D’, could be the best and worst thing in the world. And he tells a lot of stories involving famous and not famous guests. He even mentioned that if a guest happens to slip him some extra money, he will go above and beyond. Yep, money is definitely a factor in getting the best table or the table near the bathroom. Obviously, that probably won’t work in a well-known chain restaurant like The Cheesecake Factory, but in a small New York City restaurant, it may.
You know what really annoys me when I go to a restaurant? It’s when there are like a small group of host and hostesses, and they are all either chatting with each other or they are all deeply involved in their phones. And then I have to be the one to greet them! I also hate seeing people at tables not even looking at anybody, as they are deeply involved in their phones. Nina and I have always brought something with us for Niko to play with. Most of the time, it’s pens and paper so he can doodle. Most restaurants have a kid’s menu, and that menu usually has some fun things to do on it and they provide a crayon or two.
Oh my gosh, how can I not mention that in addition to him being in the restaurant business, he was also trying to be an actor and has a Master of Fine Arts.
Oh, he is about to open his own restaurant.